Saturday, 16 November 2019

Lookin' out my Back Door

Vietnamese Village Hut Project in 28mm

I recently purchased the 28mm Sarissa Precision Pacific Village Bundle in order to expand my Vietnam War collection.

The buildings were very simple to construct and fitted quite well.

As these huts come with flat surfaced roofs I decided to add Faux Fur (Teddy Bear Fur) to them in order to enhance the 'Vietnam Village" feel.

The Faux Fur roofs were painted with watered down PVA then the buildings were air brushed.

 I painted Dark Army Painter over the painted buildings then finished the bases off with Vallejo Pumice.

Some flocking and a quick spray of Testors Dullcote to remove the shine off the Army Painter completed the project.

I would certainly recommend this set to anyone looking for Asia/Pacific buildings.